Twin Falls- Nature Retreat in Times of Quarantine

July 6th, 2020

Hello Readers,

It’s been a while since I’ve posted on here. Unfortunately, the ideas that quarantine could limit my possibilities of traveling and exploring overcame my sense of adventure. But now that restrictions are slowly easing up, I’m ready to start exploring and sharing my experiences. Although life is not back to “normal”, I was able to have some adventure this weekend (of course, while wearing a mask) and do a hike up to Twin Falls in Washington state. This summer has been quite different in many places due to the pandemic, but here in the western Washington region it has also been different due to the weather patterns. It’s been pretty cloudy and cool (about 60-65 degrees Fahrenheit) for most of the summer. But, last weekend we were very lucky to have some sunny days with warmer weather to enjoy nature.

The hike is about 3.6 miles with an uphill slope. It’ s a good hike for beginners that want to start exploring nature but want a bit of a challenge. There are many places to stop and look at the rapids that follow the waterfall and also gorgeous views of the hills and mountains full of trees.

The hike leads to both waterfalls that are next to each other. There is a bridge directly between both waterfalls so both can be seen easily and there are a few lookout point for different perspectives. Also, there are smaller waterfalls that form a part of the rivers going downhill from the top where the waterfalls are located.

More adventures and posts are soon to come now that it is easier to go outside (with a mask and social distancing ;)). Hope that all of you are staying safe and healthy while learning more about the world either through going somewhere new, reading a book, doing virtual tours or anything that helps you expand your horizons.

Talk to you soon!


Eternal Traveler Blog