Leavenworth, WA, USA- The Bavarian Village in Washington

May 30th, 2021

Memorial Day weekend in the United States is this weekend. This weekend is a three-day weekend and because of this many people decide to travel. Also, this weekend is one of the first weekends that it has been warm this year in the west side of Washington State. This weekend, seeing how everything worked out perfectly regarding schedule and weather, my family and I went to Leavenworth.

Leavenworth was a two-hour drive for me and the views on the way there were amazing. I was able to see the snow-covered mountains, miles and miles of trees lining the mountainsides and the sun shining, finally bringing some vitamin D and warm weather.

The first thing that caught my eye when I arrived at Leavenworth were the beautiful mountains near the town. The mountains still have a little snow from the winter that has not yet melted. This already beautiful town has an amazing backdrop which is the cherry on top that makes the town even better than it already is.

Eating at one of the German restaurants is something that you must do when visiting this town. Whether you want a giant soft pretzel with cheese sauce or authentic schnitzel, you can find it in this town. Not to mention, there are many locations that offer wine tastings if that interests you.

In addition to restaurants, there are many boutiques and shops where you can buy a souvenir or just window shop to see what original items they have. This town will never leave you bored as it has so much to see and culture to experience.

Although this was just a small getaway this weekend, it was nice to explore around Washington a little more and get a little taste of a different culture. I hope you all are able to start traveling and experiencing other cultures very soon. I wish you safe and fun travels.


The Eternal Traveler