January 11th, 2020
The months of December and January are usually the months where people go back home to celebrate the holidays and the new year with loved ones. So, like many people, I traveled back home to the state of Washington in the United States.
Going back home to Washington and experiencing it as a tourist rather than a resident, it was easier to appreciate the things that make this state stand out. When I lived there, I was always surprised to see how much tourists admired the state since it seemed very normal to me. I got to see this state in a new light.
Starting with the city of Seattle, it was amazing to be a tourist. A landmark that I was excited to visit that shows Seattle’s culture and beauty was the Seattle’s Farmer’s market. All the fresh fruit and vegetables are put on display at booths so shoppers have easy access to purchase them. As you walk through the market you start to smell the very strong smell of fresh seafood and all of the sudden see the fishers throw salmon across the market to other fishers. This sight is very common in Seattle and draws many tourists in, for this reason I call Seattle “the city where fish fly”. For me, this market is my happy place in Seattle. You can interact with locals while also seeing the tourist culture. It shows the “old Seattle culture” and how it has evolved to a must-see place for anyone that goes to Seattle. In addition, Seattle has a ferris wheel next the bay which allows you to see the entire city along with the ocean as you are above Seattle. In one the pictures below you will be able to see a picture of Seattle Great Wheel next to the clear ocean with ferries and boats sailing by.

Another place that is visited by tourists in Washington is a waterfall called Snoqualmie Falls. It is in the city of Snoqualmie. Many of the cities in Washington have names that are not common because they come from Native American tribes. In Snoqualmie falls there are trails that allow you to hike to the bottom where the falls end. Snoqualmie falls powers a hydro electric plant that is able to be seen at the top of the waterfall. Snoqualmie falls really is one of mother nature’s masterpieces as the water crashes down and continues to for the entire year. When it is very rainy in Washington, which it usually is, you can feel the spray of water from the waterfall as you admire it.